Thursday 1 September 2011

Am I ACTUALLY excited to teach math?!

I have been so lucky to experience two very different but equally effective Math Professional Developments in the past couple of weeks. As some of you know, math has always been the area that I lack a bit of confidence in. As a history major with a Canadian Students background, I took my one math class so that I could check that requirement off; it was relatively painless! I've always had a bit of anxiety when browsing through with Alberta program of studies (which I've been doing a LOT in the past few weeks!) but in the last few weeks, I've gained some really great knowledge, valuable resources and strong guidance and for the first time in my life, I'm actually excited to teach math!
Last Tuesday, a fellow classmate and I attended a Power of Ten Workshop, run by the inspirational and BRILLIANT founder, Trevor Calkins. The workshop was a K-3 overview of how to implement the power of ten theories in the classroom, through building foundations and solidifying the concepts with games and activities. My friend and I were mind-blown, to say the least. After 4 months of learning about the math curriculum in University last term, I thought I had a decent grasp on how to translate the curriculum into workable classroom activities that the kids could relate to. This workshop made me re-think everything I've learned thus far. It's amazing how simple teaching addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, the foundation of all future math endeavors, can be! I don't want to give too much away, because I think this workshop is valuable to all of you teachers out there; old and new! Check out Trevor's philosophy and upcoming workshops here:
I also had the privilege to attend an all day workshop on Mathletics by Rene Burke. Mathletics is a really interactive math program that my new school is implementing this year. It's all about keeping kids engaged, practicing both skills/concepts and curriculum objectives. There are so many great options for students; they can play live math games with other kids (of the same ability!) around the world, they can work through the curriculum (or whatever the teacher sets, which would obviously correspond to what he or she is teaching in the classroom) and the best part, they can log in at school AND from home! Kids earn rewards for participation and mastery, which is a great way to get them excited to play and, therefore, practice valuable math skills! I look so forward to using this program school wide this year - it'll be really cool to see how each grade utilizes its many facets! There isn't much you can do on the site without paying for membership (prices vary depending on how you purchase - board or district wide, school wide, individual classrooms or individual students). Regardless, you can check out the program here:
I've been so caught up in my newly discovered excitement for math that I forgot to talk about my FIRST DAY AT MY NEW SCHOOL! It was phenomenal :) Maybe it's something that is unique to teachers; when I walked in the classroom for the first time this morning, I got this warm, mushy feeling and knew automatically that this is the perfect place for me! I always saw myself as a division two teacher who would thrive in 4-5-6. But after today, I'm realizing that perhaps, my calling is the younger children! The kids don't start class until Tuesday, September 6, so it's been great getting to know the staff outside of the classroom, get more familiar with the school, and begin planning, planning and more planning! I'm going to be doing a lot of team teaching with my partner teacher, which will be an amazing experience! I know it'll be very different from last year, when I taught grade 4 in a large school board, with three other teachers and 90 children! But it will be a great year! It's very nice working in a smaller town, for a closer knit school board and I cannot wait to keep you all updated on my progress as a new grade 1 teacher :) 
My next blog is going to be all about the first day of school plans, so if you happen to be reading this, please leave a comment - let me know what your plans are for first day activities!