Tuesday 9 August 2011

My first-ever BLOG!

As I begin my LAST YEAR OF UNIVERSITY (I may be more than a little excited about this!), I've decided that maybe now is a good time to start documenting all these so-called "lessons" that I've been exposed to and lived through. I can't even begin to explain all of the things I learned in my first year as a student teacher in grade 4. I'm so grateful for the formal education journals that we all had to keep as part of our University curriculum. (Although, God knows I'd never forget what to do when a child pulls the fire alarm on a field trip at a provincial park, or when a nervous child throws up during your classes turn to sing at the school's Christmas assembly!) But documenting these observations and how they will help me become a better teacher is really NOT the point of this blog. This blog is not for my partner teachers or my professors - it's really not even for my university classmates for that matter (although I'd love a few comments from some familiar faces, of course!) In all reality, this blog is for all of us out there who are going through the stress of being a new teacher in the ever-changing realm of elementary education in Canada. It's going to be my place to laugh, cry, vent and freak out over the inevitable stress that will ensue as I enter a grade one classroom for my last practicum! In just over a week, the professional developments begin and we start getting back into the school frame of mind and I must say, I CANNOT WAIT! Although I will once again have to adjust my lifestyle and adapt to weeks full of planning, grading, organizing and more planning, it's going to be an amazing year! 

The back-to-school commercials are beginning and the excitement is building. Can't wait to share it all with you bloggers :) 

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